
Healthy Heart Dietitians Shauna Ratner and Kay McQueen – The “F”ab “F”ive and The Terrible “Too”s

The 4 months is up and you all have done an amazing job at eating healthy, reducing your weight, decreasing your body fat, increasing your physical activity and overall changing your lifestyle.  All that perseverance and hard work paid off. 



Lots of healthy snack options at our Wrap Up BBQ. 

The dietary survey that asked you your top 3 biggest changes to your diet showed that almost all of you had one or more of the following as being big contributors to your success: 

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1.  Getting rid of the junk food such as fast food, potato chips, desserts, cookies, pop, candy etc. 

2.  Eating more fruits and vegetables  

3.  Portion control 

4.  Regular well-balanced meals (which for some was eating a regular breakfast or packing your own lunch) and snacks to help curb your appetite between meals. 


Doug’s healthy baked pita chips…no more potato chips! 

It is important to see is not only what needs to be reduced in the diet, but also what needs to be included in the diet.  A few top picks for healthy eating include what I like to refer to as my FAB “Five”. 

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1.   “F”requency – really important to eat 3 regular well balanced meals and 2-3 snacks.  In a group of people who lost weight and kept their weight off for 5 years – 95% of them reported eating breakfast. 

 2.   Fill up on “F”ibre – Aim for 25-38g of fiber/day and make sure you include 3 servings of whole grains daily.  E.g. whole grain bread, oatmeal, oat bran, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, barley and quinoa to name a few. 

3.   Include healthy “F”at – Canada’s Food Guide recommends eating 2-3 Tbsp of oil/fat/day.  Choose oils such as canola and olive oil and choose soft non-hydrogenated margarine.  Other healthy fat includes nuts and nut butters.  Peanut butter and whole grain toast rounded out with a banana and a glass of low fat milk is a great way to start the day.  One quarter of a cup of nuts as a snack will carry through to your next meal.  Use healthy fat in moderation.  Just one Tbsp of oil contains 125 kcal. 

4.   “F”ruits and Vegetables – need I say more?  Aim for at least 7 or more servings of fruits and vegetables/day.  These nutrient rich and low calorie foods provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.  And best of all they taste great!  One serving = 1 medium fruit, 1 cup of greens, or ½ cup of vegetables. 

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5.   “F”ish is packed with omega 3 fats that help to keep our hearts healthy and rust proof our arteries.  Enjoy fish 2-3x/wk.  Try salmon or halibut on the BBQ.  Even easier, open a can of tuna or salmon and add to a nice salad at lunch or for a quick and easy dinner. 


You have all heard of the “terrible two’s” in little ones.  When eating healthy and trying to stay on track, be wary of the eating “Terrible too’s”. 


1.  “Too” many meals in the restaurant.  Restaurant dining often results in increased calories, fat and general temptations from desserts and alcohol.  There are 21 meals in a week so try to limit dining out to 2-3x/wk. 

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2.  “Too” many treats.  Everyone indulges in some of their favorite foods from time to time.  But watch that those treats don’t pop up too frequently.  Enjoy ice cream occasionally and potato chips occasionally and that big breakfast occasionally.  In isolation these foods might not be such a concern but if they all happen in one week then there could be problems. 

3.   “Too” many helpings.  Remember to keep those measuring cups handy and bring them out every once and awhile to measure out that portion of rice or pasta.  One cup of rice contains 250 kcal and to burn an extra bowl of rice you would need to walk 2.5 miles. (1mile=100 kcal). 

4.   “Too” many excuses.  I am too tired to cook.  I don’t have time to go grocery shopping.  I don’t like cooking two different menu items for my family.  I don’t have to watch my diet when I am on holidays.  Be careful, it is easy to fall back into old patterns.  Some people say it takes at least 21-28 times to establish a habit and only 7 days to break the routine. 



John has a healthy PC Blue Menu Portion-Wise burger – only 140 calories each patty.  You can have your burger and eat it too! 

Keep up the good work!!   

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Feel free to contact us if you have any dietary questions as you continue on your healthy lifestyle journey. 


Kay McQueen and Shauna Ratner 

Registered Dietitians 

St. Paul’s Hospital Healthy Heart Centre 



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