
Final Updates – In your own words

Stacey Dean – Weight Watchers 

15.6% reduction in weight, 18% reduction in waist 

I feel great! The health benefits that I have seen are huge, 20 pounds of fat gone…I can move so much easier and faster not carrying around that extra weight.  My cholesterol is back in that normal range (which was an eye opener to know that it was high in the first place).  I also have energy.  I am not a couch potato anymore, whenever I find myself sitting down for too long I know it is time to take the dogs for a walk.  I think that I will be able to keep this up…I have found classes at the local rec centre that I enjoy and my running partners are fantastic.

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Liz Tolkamp – Superstore Healthy Eating Plan 

9.6% reduction in weight, 7.6% reduction in waist 

I learned many things:
1. set goals…stick to them…and you can achieve them
2. changing your lifestyle for the better is so possible
3. sign someone up to help you…it makes the journey that much more enjoyable
4. being active can be part of anyone’s lifestyle, really – you just need to make it a goal and set time aside.
5. weight gain is about calories in and calories out!!
6. making the changes to healthy eating is possible, you need to be willing to make those changes (seeing the results help!)
7. that I could do it!  Not just someone else out there, but ME!  I’m just really proud and happy with myself!


Alison Hogg – Weight Watchers
12.3% reduction in weight, 16% reduction in waist

I think my “aha” moment came only a few weeks ago when I went to the gym BEFORE work.  To the average person this may not seem like a big deal, but to me…the person that sleeps as much as possible in the morning and has been known to go back to bed after her shower in the morning…this is a BIG DEAL!  Not only did I go to the gym before work…I liked it!  That has never happened to me before.  The Endorphin Junkies have showed me that working out can be fun and that exercise doesn’t have to be work.  

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For the first time since I was in my early 20’s and a size 8, I know it is possible to get there again.  I have always felt that it was impossible and why bother trying.  I still have a ways to go, but I know I can do it.  That is a huge attitude adjustment!  



Barb Hanslien – GI Diet 

7.5% reduction in weight, 7% reduction in waist 


This lifestyle challenge came at a time in my life when I really needed something to motivate me and get me back on track.  I wanted to successfully quit smoking and not gain a ton of weight.  I am in the year in which I turn 50 and I wasn’t sure I was still capable of the kind of physical fitness I had attained earlier in my life.  I have proved to myself and a lot of friends that it is possible to quit smoking and not get fat.  I have proved to myself that my age is really a state of mind and with commitment and discipline, I can still achieve anything I want.  

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Time and balance have also always been a challenge for me  and I have learned that I can “make the time” to take better care of myself and still have time for the other things in my life I am committed to.  I have also “reminded  myself” that when I am feeling better about myself, my life “feels” better too. 


I have always believed that we create our own reality and I have again been reminded that it starts in the mind.  If “I believe”, then anything is possible  and so this journey for me has really been about beginning to believe in myself again and beginning to believe in my own abilities again and really knowing that whatever I dare to dream is still possible.  This is just the beginning of another journey for me …..and I am really excited about it!!  




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Linda Barbara Fritsch – Superstore Healthy Eating Plan 

13.8% reduction in weight, 6% reduction in waist 


I began to realize that life happens and when obstacles, be they big or small, are put in your way, you overcome them and are better for it 


Two turning points for me were when: 

1) I went to Egypt for two weeks where there was temptation (food-wise, of course!) abound but using what I learned about food and exercise through the Lifestyle Challenge Program, I came home and weighed myself and saw that though I did not lose any weight, I didn’t gain any either! 

2) When I had eye surgery and was limited for almost a month in doing certain physical activities, I modified my fitness program and eating habits to take in  

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account the limited things I could do.  I realized my goals were still achievable regardless of the obstacles that come your way; all you have to do is rethink how to accomplish them now. 



Mel Caldwell – GI Diet 

17.5% reduction in weight, 15.7% reduction in waist 


I knew I was overweight and that I hated to exercise.   Wow, this Challenge really opened my eyes.  I now enjoy going to the gym and doing my thing – running on the treadmill and using the rowing machine.   


I now read labels when my wife and I go shopping.  I don’t eat sweets or junk food anymore.  I enjoy the compliments I get when I meet people I haven’t seen for a while.  But mostly, I enjoy my accomplishment.  I lost the weight, but even more importantly, I learned about eating – portion control, what to eat, what not to eat.  I love the GI book and the new cookbook.  My wife and I use it everyday.   

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I can truly say, that this was a lifestyle change.  I am about to enter into a new phase of my life, and I love the new ‘me’ going into that phase.  Will the weight stay off and will I keep up the gym workouts?  I think so.  I have learned so much, and like I said, I really like the new ‘me’.  



Rachelle Tack – Superstore Healthy Eating Plan 

5.8% reduction in weight, 14.4% reduction in waist 

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Well the final body composition scan was a real eye opener for me,   I learned and confirmed that the number on the scale means so very little compared to my those body fat results.  I was so happy to see them on paper as I can say I am proud of myself for all my hard work I put in to changing myself for the better.  I feel like I have lost 20 lbs with how my body feels at this point.  It now feels like it has come together for me and yesterday was my A HA moment.   I really felt like I was standing 2 feet taller than normal.  The fat loss and muscle gain was confirmation that this is a healthy lifestyle change and the challenge was what I needed to do to get myself to where I am today.  I don’t want it to stop, and because we had such a great group of people participating and supporting each other, that to me is what it is all about. 


My goal was to do another spint triathlon and my girlfriend and myself
are planning that for September.  As well, we are going to train for either a half marathon or full marathon.

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This has changed my life as it has given me back my passion to do fun activities and to keep my self ALIVE AND HEALTHY.  I feel I can do so much
for myself now more than ever.



Angela Cooper – 

7.4% reduction in weight, 9.8% reduction in waist 


With the knowledge and encouragement of the absolutely wonderful EJ trainers, in 11 short weeks, I went from barely being able to run for five
minutes without seeing stars and gasping for air to completing a half marathon.  I am excited to continue my training and look forward to 
improving my time in each event I enter in the years to come!  Overall, I feel fantastic.

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This journey certainly has been an eye opener.  Although much of what we learned were things we truly already knew, they were definitely things we were not putting in to practice.  I realize now that it really is easy.  It is not about sacrificing all that you love for short term achievements, it is about changing your lifestyle to something you can maintain and most important enjoy!  You do not need to give everything up, you just need to be able to find that balance.  What works for one person doesn’t always work for another, so as a 
family of four we certainly needed to make some adjustments so that we 
could find something we could all maintain together.  I think we have found that balance now.  Better eating, realistic portion sizes, and incorporating exercise were truly the easy part once we had the right state of mind.


So all I can say now is those dreams are possible.  Set your goals, set your dates, and see the results!  The sky is truly the limit!  Once you put your mind to something you can truly do anything!  



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Stephanie Sussey – Superstore Healthy Eating Plan 

12.4% reduction in weight, 12% reduction in waist 


When I reflect on how I felt about myself before I joined this Challenge compared to now, I am caught a little off guard at the difference!  I remember looking in my side mirror and seeing all 3 of my chins. going shopping and only barely squeezing into an XL, my biggest nightmare, the bathing suit.  Now things are a little different.  Last weekend at Cultus Lake, I actually wore a bathing suit with no shorts or t-shirt.  I haven’t done that since I was 17 or 18!  I was driving the other day and actually noticed the difference in the mirror.  My current shirt is an M. 


When I came back to work after our final weigh in, everyone was saying the same thing, “I barely recognized you!”  More than a few of them asked me exactly how I did it and as I answered them, I realized that it is so simpleEat healthy food, drink lots of water, exercise and get plenty of rest 

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Weight loss to me now is simple.  You are what you eat.  Prior to February, I was already running all the time and had just started weight training in December or so.  I lost maybe 3 pounds over the first six weeks and in February, the first week I changed my diet, I lost 3! 



John McLachlan – 

15.8% reduction in weight, 18.6% reduction in waist 

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I had many “ah-ha” moments as I discovered what was in food and how and when I ate.  AWARENESS is what came out of it and I really think that’s going to last.  I really “got” what is in foods at a deeper level. I realized how little I thought about it before, which was a large part of the problem. The “unawareness” meant eating whatever I wanted without worrying or thinking about. The result: gaining weight. 

A startling thing happened one day while passing by a dark store-front window. I saw the reflection of someone walking who looked like me from 25 years ago! Though this person had grey hair and an older face, the outline of the body looked like the 25-year old me. That was freaky and exhilarating.

Losing 25 pounds, lowering my cholesterol, eating more healthy food, feeling the benefits of more exercise have all been so amazing.  To think I almost didn’t put my name forward to take part in this!  



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Doug Dang – Weight Watchers 

16.6% reduction in weight, 17.9% reduction in waist 


The lifestyle challenge has taught me three significant points: 

1. Weight Watchers has taught me how much to eat 

2. St Paul dietitians have taught me what to eat 

3. Endorphin Junkies have taught me how to exercise effectively 


I use to eat too much of the wrong foods and too little of the right foods.  My exercise was not as effective before.  I seem to be able to exercise less but get more benefits.  It appears to be a package.  Doing one thing gets you a little, doing another thing gets you more, but if you do all three things the results are astounding. 

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All of a sudden, I have become a resident expert on lifestyle changes, weight loss and exercise.  I have friends in Kelowna who are going to sign up on Weight Watchers.  I have a builder friend and his whole family (4) in Vancouver doing WW.  There are people everyday asking me how I have changed and wanting to change themselves as well.  Now my wife wants me to show her the first set of exercises we did with EJ. 


This will definitely be a life long commitment.  In four months, my cholesterol, ldl, triglyerides and blood pressure have dropped to very healthy levels.  I have noticed very significant improvements that are definitely attributed to the lifestyle change.  I believe, I feel better, look better and will live longer because of this.  You said I looked more fit now than in my wedding picture, that picture was taken in 1992. 



Julie Brassington – Superstore Healthy Eating Plan 

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6.6% reduction in weight, 3.1% reduction in waist 


I have learned so much about myself and my eating habits.  Prior to starting the lifestyle challenge I was very good at dieting.  During the last year I lost 50 pounds….slowly and surely by dieting.  What I mean by that is that I followed a diet…but I didn’t learn about calories or the various food values.  Thanks to the dietitians at the hospital, I now know about portion control and the 
value of eating fresh fruits and vegetables. 
I am no longer dieting, I am eating properly….a well balanced diet that includes eating a bit of 
everything but in proper portions.
  My complexion is better; I have been able to cut my blood pressure medication in half and I no longer take anti-acids!




Sylvia Van Sickle – 

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11.4% reduction in weight, 13.4% reduction in waist 


I have learned that diet or exercise alone is not enough.  Stick with a food plan which encompasses all the major food groups and doesn’t limit you from enjoying the foods you love and follow a regular exercise program that you enjoy and that works all of the muscle groups in your body.  Make sure to vary the foods you eat and vary and increase the intensity of the workouts for the best results.  Write down everything you eat and increase the intensity of your daily workouts on the days when you know you are going to be eating more (ie; special occasions or dining out).  Monitor your weight regularly to help keep yourself on track.  Eat the required amount of calories and do the required exercises every day to help keep your metabolism in check.  Try not to focus on the weight loss and instead focus on increasing your metabolism.  Set small attainable goals for yourself and when those goals are reached, set new goals.  Find something that motivates you and stick with it or find someone to workout with to keep you motivated.  


I feel that my anxiety levels have decreased significantly as a result of the Healthy Lifestyle Challenge and I am now able to better handle the daily stresses in my life.  I am in better overall health with lower cholesterol levels and have much more energy and strength. I find that I have become a “yes” person and can no longer say no when someone asks me to exercise with them, which is a huge change for this former couch potato.  

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Lillian Albrecher – GI Diet 

15.8% reduction in weight, 9.9% reduction in waist 


My AHA MOMENT was realizing I had gone about losing weight the wrong way: eating the wrong foods- melons watermelon, skipping breakfast or having a pot of coffee as breakfast.  Lunch on a diet was often salad or vegetable soup, no protein. Then I would be starving by 4 pm. I now eat three meals plus healthy snacks.  Walking 4 times a week is now routine. I bought weights at a garage sale and use those as well. 


I have had times like my son’s celebration of his call to the bar, then a stop at THE BAR!!!  Or a weekend trip to Victoria where I have had wine and desserts not on my GI plan.  The next day I am back on track and my whole attitude has changed: GET BACK ON TRACK.  This is not a diet but a way of life. I am happier with myself, my family is proud of me and I am proud of myself.  

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Deanna Bayne – Weight Watchers 

15.9% reduction in weight, 15.3% reduction in waist 


I have learned it could be fun to lose weight when you are doing it as a team. 

I have learned that I can eat less food and more healthy food and not feel deprived. 

Exercise makes me feel good and doing a run before work gives me more energy and alertness for the day. 

Exercising in the morning gives me peace of mind and a sense of having taken care of myself the whole day. 

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I had my “Aha” moment at my Weight Watchers weigh in when I got my 25 pound charm.  Meetings and peer support really do work!  I’m glad to be able to hold myself accountable. 



Steve Harbourne – Superstore Healthy Eating Plan 

13.4% reduction in weight, 11.2% reduction in waist 


My health has gone from being the Poster Boy for Blue Cross to a person who hopefully won’t need the medical services again for a long time.  Lower blood pressure, back and knee aches almost gone, stomach issues gone, activity levels increased. 


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My lifestyle has gone from sitting on the couch watching TV and eating chips and drinking pop to playing more golf, exercising and hiking after work, walking to the store instead of driving, eating healthy and being so aware of what is going in my mouth. 


I had a few “a-ha” moments during this. Realizing my guts felt better, seeing I could climb a mountain (literally), being able to leave a workout session tired but not feeling like I was going to pass out (the first sessions were killers), but my most important “a-ha” came last week when I ran on the treadmill nonstop for twelve minutes and covered 1.2 miles.  In my entire 53 years I have NEVER been able to run and NEVER did that. I felt so good after that, tired but good and it confirmed to me that with hard work and dedication anything is possible.  


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