
Justin Bieber to play himself in 3D movie

NEW YORK (Billboard) – Justin Bieber will make his big-screen debut in time for next Valentine’s Day.

Paramount Pictures confirmed Tuesday that it will release a 3D biopic about the Canadian teen idol’s life on February 11.

The untitled film will reportedly include footage from his current tour. Davis Guggenheim, who won an Oscar for directing Al Gore in "An Inconvenient Truth," is in negotiations to shoot the project.

Bieber called the newly greenlit project "incredible news" on Twitter Monday. "Next Valentine’s we r coming with a major 3D Movie telling the story with an Oscar winning director and also filming the tour at MSG in NYC!!" said Bieber.

The news follows Monday’s announcement that Bieber will publish a memoir, "Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story," in October.

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