The City of Saskatoon has made the decision to receive all of the city’s plants from a wholesale greenhouse in 2023, instead of growing them at the city greenhouse like past years.
Saskatoon’s greenhouse facility, operated by the Parks Department, was built in 1958 and provides the city with flower beds, pots, and indoor displays like that at city hall.
An information report from the city committee stated that the greenhouse is filled with rotting wood, cracking and falling glass, and is proving to have a hard time supporting the snow fall in the winter.
“It’s reaching the end of its service life,” said director of facilities management Troy LaFreniere. “At the time, nothing, until more recently, had indicated the possibility of a significant issue and short-term structural risks.”
The Parks Department reported that the risk of operation is increasing and an order to vacate the greenhouses could be ordered at any time, even when the greenhouse is full.

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There is an estimated cost of $2.5 to $6 million to replace the greenhouse, depending on the structure plans.
The replacement of the greenhouse was discussed by city council back in 2016, but never came to fruition.
“Plans we bring forward won’t be for a city of today, it will be appreciating what is on the horizon in terms of expansion and our population and flowerpot program in our future,” said director of parks Darren Crilly.
A competitive bid has been placed to secure new seasonal greenery at wholesale pricing. It was also stated that they are discussing a possibly partnership with Meewasin or the University of Saskatchewan greenhouse programs.
They plan to offset the cost by saving in operational areas of the greenhouse program.
The future of the city greenhouses has yet to be decided.