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London, Ont. police charge suspect in north end break-and-enter investigation

On June 6, 2022, around approximately 11 p.m., London, Ont., police were contacted after a man was seen prying open the doors to a business in the area of Adelaide Street North and Huron Street. Matthew Trevithick / Global News

A London, Ont., man is facing multiple charges as a result of a breaking-and-entering investigation in the city’s north end, according to police.

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On June 6, around approximately 11 p.m., police were contacted after a man was seen prying open the doors to a business in the area of Adelaide Street North and Huron Street.

The suspect entered the store and then left with property on a bicycle.

Police located a male matching the description nearby and arrested the suspect.

The stolen property was recovered.

During a search, officers also seized a claw hammer and suspected fentanyl.

As a result of this investigation, Michael Joseph Doiron, 32, has been charged with three counts of failing to comply with release order, resisting arrest, possession of break-in instruments, possession of a schedule 1 substance and breaking and entering.

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The accused appeared in court on June 7.


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