
Santa gets a boyfriend in holiday commercial celebrating LGBTQ2+ rights

Santa and Harry exchange promises to meet again next year
Santa and Harry meet once a year on Christmas Eve and their love blossoms over time. Posten / YouTube

Christmas just got a little bit more inclusive.

To celebrate 50 years since the country decriminalized same-sex relationships, Norway’s postal service, Posten Norge, has put out a holiday commercial that chronicles the growing bond between Santa Claus and a potential suitor.

The commercial, titled When Harry Met Santa, shows the budding relationship between a man named Harry and the man in the red suit, as they meet up in Harry’s living room each year on Christmas Eve.

The interactions are brief, at first, with small glances and smiles. Over the years, viewers see Harry begin to put more effort into his appearance — pulling on a festive sweater or suit and a spritz of cologne, before heading to the living room for his annual glimpse of his crush.

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The bond between the pair grows with each passing year as the two begin to visit, exchange small presents and have a laugh. Each year Santa reassures Harry that he’ll return.

We also see Harry become increasingly saddened after each rendezvous; he clearly has a hard time only seeing his love interest once per year.

In the second half of the nearly four minute-long video we see Harry pen a letter to the North Pole. “Dear Santa,” he writes, “All I want for Christmas is you.”

a screenshot of the letter to Santa
Harry writes a sweet letter to Santa, professing his Christmas wish. Posten / YouTube

In the final scenes, a postal worker shows up at Harry’s front door to deliver Santa’s packages.

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“Well, I arranged some help this year…so I can be with you,” Santa tells his boyfriend, before the two share a sweet kiss.

Harry and Santa kiss
Harry and Santa seal the deal with a sweet first kiss. Posten / YouTube

Pass the tissues, please.

The video has captured attention worldwide – Randall Garrison, a MP in British Columbia, even broke his own moratorium of not posting Christmas content before December.

A video of the commercial posted on YouTube with English subtitles had been viewed more than 800,000 times as of Thursday afternoon.


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