
5 songs you must hear this week: 01 November 2021

Some really interesting tracks this week. A couple may be a bit challenging at first listen, but stick with them. Trust me.

1. Ghostkeeper, Grassy Plains
Single (Victory Pool)
Recommended If You Like: Things that are slightly discordant and cacophonous

There’s a lot more going on here than you might pick up at first listen. Coming out of Calgary, this four-piece veers into something that’s both somewhat psychedelic and discordant. The result is a feeling of unease and edginess that gets more compelling each time you hear it. I’m hooked.

2. ECHLO, Puppeteer
Single (Independent)
RIYL: Soulful trip-hop

If you’re looking for something atmospheric for the dark days of winter, this could be for you. ECHLO, a Toronto singer (and Julian Lennon’s stepsister!) is Chloe Charles, who has been releasing jazzy and folky records for more than a decade. She’s now drawing on influences from Portishead and Massive Attack. This new track feels like it could be in a James Bond movie. Cool video, too.

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3. K.Flay, Nothing Can Kill Us
Outside Voices EP (BMG)
Recommended If You Like: Chameleon-like singers

If there’s one thing you can say about K.Flay (Kristine Flaherty to her mom) is that you never know what to expect from song to song. This track, a heads-up for a new EP that’s due November 19, is a nice pep talk for anyone who needs a little encouragement to keep going. She has Canadian shows scheduled for Toronto on February 21 and Vancouver on March 10—COVID willing, of course.

4. COIN, Chapstick
Single (UMG)
RIYL: Mystery phone numbers

You know how when you kiss someone who’s just moisturized their lips you can taste the Chapstick? COIN, the trio from Nashville, has written a song about that, mating it with artificial intelligence. No, really. The result is awfully infectious. And if you’re curious, call the phone number listed in the video—(615) 395-5322—and see what you get.

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5. Tom Morello, Hold the Line (feat. Grandson)
The Atlas Fire Underground (Mom + Pop Music)
RIYL: A cross between Rage and NIN

Canada’s Grandson has made a nice living recently collaborating with a variety of people. That includes Tom Morello for this song on Tom’s new solo record, The Atlas Fire Underground. Tom heard of Grandson through a connection at Spotify and was impressed enough to ask him to guest on the album. This one needs to be played loud. VERY loud.

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