Gravel and debris that accumulated on Calgary’s residential roads throughout the winter will be cleared starting Monday, April 19, as the city launches its annual street sweeping program.
The City of Calgary says the spring cleanup will run Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at which time vehicles parked on the targeted routes will have to be moved.
“During street sweeping, the Calgary Parking Authority uses our automated vehicles, or camera cars, because they are a quick and efficient way to enforce street sweeping parking bans,” Calgary Parking Authority spokesperson Todd Sullivan said.
“If you are working from home, it is still necessary to get your car off the road and onto a driveway, into a garage, a back alley or laneway or a surface lot.
“If you don’t move your vehicle, you won’t see a ticket on the windshields — it will come in the mail.”
Street sweeping isn’t just done as a beautification project, the city says removing the debris from roads helps prevent it from entering Calgary’s stormwater system and increases road safety for vehicles.
The budget for the annual program is $9.8 million and includes the cleaning of over 16,000 kilometres of roads.
To find out when street sweeping is happening in your community, you can visit the City of Calgary’s website at and enter your address in the search function.
“It’s a great resource for information on our street sweeping program and offers opportunities to sign up for automated notifications for street sweeping in your community and ask our new virtual assistant questions about the program,” City of Calgary roads department spokesperson Chris McGeachy said.
Residential street sweeping is expected to wrap up by the end of June 2021.