
CBE says backup in place, if portables not ready for Elbow Park students

CALGARY – The Calgary Board of Education says they’re putting a backup plan in place, in case the construction of temporary portables at Earl Grey School isn’t completed by the fall.

Twelve portable classrooms are set to be built at Earl Grey Elementary School, to house students displaced by flood damage at Elbow Park Elementary.

However, the CBE says if the project isn’t completed on time – they have a secondary plan in place.

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Officials are prepared to extend the summer vacation for Elbow Park students for two weeks, and make up the classes throughout the year.

They also say Eugene Coste, a school closed in 2011, is being prepared as a place to house the students until the portables are built.

The decision to house students in portables at Earl Grey School was initially met with some controversy.

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Parents in the community of Mount Royal were questioning how the move would impact parking and traffic congestion.

But Elbow Park parents rejected their other option, which was to have students housed at Eugene Coste.

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