The Global News Health Series, in partnership with Pacific Blue Cross, is an in-depth collection of interviews and stories focusing on topics from physical wellness to mental health.
Watch Global News Morning weekdays from Monday, Jan. 25 to Friday, Feb. 5 for more details.
Global News will be sharing the Health Series stories on this page so check back every day for new content.
Jan. 25: Dr. Shahana Alibhai explains the connection between mental and physical health and how both come into play when trying to achieve optimal wellbeing.
Jan. 26: Registered clinical counsellor Glen Grigg explains how anxiety manifests itself and the impacts it can have on day to day life. He also offers some basic advice on ways to alleviate anxiety.
Jan. 27: Clinical sleep health educator Roxanne Brooks explains the effects of a lack of quality sleep. She also gives some basic tips people can use to improve their sleep quality.
Jan. 28: Dr. Brenda Lau of CHANGEpain explains how chronic pain impacts all parts of a person’s life. She looks at how treatment needs to integrate a variety of techniques.
Jan. 29: Paula Allen of Morneau Shepell explains the importance of establishing a work-life balance. She also gives tips on what both employees and employers can do to make that balance more achievable.
Feb. 1: Dr. Davidicus Wong explains the importance of regular checkups and what screening tests are important for people of different ages.
Feb. 2: Canadian Mental Health Association BC CEO Jonny Morris explains the importance of preventative medicine in mental health and what resources are available for people unable to afford regular counselling or therapy sessions.
Feb. 3: From prescriptions to natural herbs, pharmacist and naturopathic physician Shabita Teja explains how to best manage various medical and medicinal remedies so they don’t negatively interact with each other.
Feb. 4: Losing weight, eating healthier and becoming more fit are goals people often set for themselves – but too often these goals can lead to fad diets, calorie counting and an unhealthy relationship with food. Registered dietitian Shallah Panjwani discusses how to develop a healthier outlook around food and nutrition.
Feb. 5: Dr. Ray Markham of the Rural Coordination Centre of BC explains what team-based care is and how it can benefit patients needing treatment from more than one health-care professional.