Interior Health’s president and CEO Susan Brown wrote a letter to the public, explaining how the influenza vaccine could possibly help B.C.’s health-care system in the coming weeks.
“So far, Interior Health has been fortunate that our health-care system has kept up to the demands of COVID-19. But I can share with you, we are seeing challenges in some places, such as testing sites and labs, and we have entered a fragile time with the cooler weather,” she wrote.
“We need to avoid the influx of really sick patients with influenza, which, combined with COVID-19 pressures, could push our health-care system to the edge. “
Right now is a pivotal moment for Canadians and preparing for a possible second wave of infections, according to Brown.
“I know from more than 30 years of experience in health care that getting the flu shot helps prevent the system from surging over capacity.”
Brown said getting vaccinated is not only for your protection but everyone around you, especially seniors.
“The flu shot is a tool in the tool box. The choice is yours to decide whether to use the tools to protect yourself and the ones you love,” said Brown.
Interior Health has a public campaign on the way promoting vaccination.
“The flu season typically ramps up in November, but before it reaches our communities, talk to your bubble, your neighbours’ bubble, and your social media bubble,” Brown said.
“Encourage everyone to get their bubble vaccinated.”