
Is coconut oil a superfood?

TORONTO – It’s all the buzz…coconut oil. One of the latest "superfoods" which fans claim can do it all, from lowering your cholesterol to boosting your immune system. The question is: how much is fact versus fiction?

At Raw Aura, a restaurant in Mississauga, Ontario, executive chef Douglas McNish uses coconut oil – which has the consistency of butter at room temperature – for all of his desserts. He says it is one of, if not the, healthiest fat on the face of the planet. It’s supposed to boost your metabolism, helping you burn calories at a higher rate.

It’s purported to increase your good cholesterol, and also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which would help your immune system.

People are buying it like crazy. At Beaches Wholesome Food Store in Toronto, holistic nutritionist Laurence McMulkin says people are coming in every day asking for coconut oil, even people who don’t usually shop in health food stores. He adds to the list of benefits saying coconut oil is one of the best for cooking because it has a very high smoking point, so it won’t burn; therefore no carcinigens.

"It’s also really good for people who work out. If you are going to have a pre-workout shake or smoothie, (coconut oil) is digested very easily and is great for sustained energy," McMulkin says.

Jennifer Sygo, the director of nutrition at Cleveland Clinic Canada, says it all sounds very promising, however there is a "but." She says not enough studies have been done to conclusively back the various health claims being made.

She points out that in the past, coconut oil was viewed very negatively – it is after all, full of saturated fat.

"I would say the jury is still out, but I absolutely see the potential in coconut oil. The fats in coconut oil are different than the fats we are worried about, so my suspicion is (coconut oil) will probably be exonerated in the future, but time will tell," Sygo says.

McNish is already sold on coconut oil, saying not only does it make food healthier, it tastes great too.

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