
Traffic ticket quotas

Traffic ticket quotas - image

Following years of denial that Montreal police are assigned a daily quota of tickets to hand out, a member of the top brass has finally fessed up.

Chief Inspector Stephane Lemieux said this week that yes, in fact, Montreal police officers are assigned a daily quota.

So why the sudden change of story?

Lemieux says that under Montreal’s new chief of police, Marc Parent, transparency is paramount. "We’ve decided to be more transparent, more open," says Lemieux.

There are pros and cons to traffic ticket quotas.

These tickets bring in more than $100-million every year, money that goes right into municipal coffers.

Lemieux says that increased traffic enforcement reduces accidents and saves lives.

Even still, the idea of a daily quota leaves many motorists with a sour taste in their mouths.

We want to you know what you think. Do you support traffic ticket quotas? Vote in our poll, and leave your comments below.

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