
N.E. residents voice concerns over northeast LRT expansion

CALGARY – Concern over the northeast LRT expansion is being voiced to the City.

Residents met with alderman and city officials Monday night to voice their concerns over the project.

They say the tracks are too close to a nearby school and homes and that a secondary entrance to the platform on Martindale Boulevard will clog up side streets.

Residents claim the city built the entrance without public consultations but the city says it’s working with the public to come to an agreement.

“In terms of it being usable, in terms of it being fully integrated within the community, there may be a mix we’ll be able to find between those two ends of the spectrum,” says Dave Danchuck, Commincations Leader of Transportation at the City of Calgary. “We’re going to be working with the community to come up with solution that works for everyone.”

The McKnight-Westwinds station to Saddletowne Circle opens in the fall of 2012. It will support around 8,000 commuters a day.

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