
Calgary Board of Education finalizes budget

Calgary Board of Education. Global News

The Calgary Board of Education has approved an update to its budget to deal with provincial cutbacks and reverse the layoffs of temporary teachers.

The CBE is dealing with a $32-million shortfall because the provincial budget does not fund enrollment growth.

The UCP government trumpeted the fact there was no cut in education funding, however, it is not providing any money for the 2,300 new students who walked into Calgary public school classrooms in September.

Initially, the CBE was going to lay off 317 teachers on temporary contracts but reversed course when the province allowed a one-time exemption to use an infrastructure and maintenance grant to rescind the layoffs.

The funding gap is also being dealt with by using reserves.

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One trustee, Mike Bradshaw, voted against the budget.

Bradshaw said the cuts to education aren’t right and is concerned the situation is only going to get worse when the government passes a full-year budget this spring.

“Let’s let this be our message to the government,” he said. “They need to understand that if they fail our students now, they are condemning the future of Alberta.”

Trusteee Julie Hrdlicka said Bradshaw’s opposition is noble but not presenting a budget to the government could have seen the board be fired.

The CBE is also under an independent audit which is expected to be complete at the end of January.

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