
St. FX ending women’s volleyball program to cut costs

St. Francis Xavier University is discontinuing its varsity women's volleyball program due to cost-cutting at the post-secondary institution in Antigonish, N.S. EZEQUIEL BECERRA/AFP/Getty Images

ANTIGONISH, N.S. – St. Francis Xavier University is discontinuing its varsity women’s volleyball program due to cost-cutting at the post-secondary institution in Antigonish, N.S.

On its website, the Athletics Department confirms it’s ending the program immediately, affecting 10 student athletes who would have been eligible to return to the team.

The department says it will honour its athletic financial award commitments to athletes who choose to continue studying at the university, and will assist any current players who wish to transfer to another school to continue their volleyball and athletic pursuits.

Athletics director Leo MacPherson says it was a difficult decision, but adds operating an athletics and recreation program with 13 varsity teams is no longer sustainable given its fiscal realities.

The department says eliminating the volleyball program will help the school’s Athletics and Recreation Department meet its budget reduction targets, while having the least impact on the number of student athletes.

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The decision to discontinue women’s volleyball leaves the university with six varsity women’s teams and six men’s teams.

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