
Nomadic Morris House moves onto new foundation

Morris House, believed to be the fourth oldest house in Halifax, is trucked to a new home early on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013. The 249-year-old building was originally a surveyor's office and is being turned into affordable housing for young adults at a new location. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan

HALIFAX – A historic Halifax house that made a big move earlier this year will start moving onto its new foundation today.

Morris House was moved forward in stages to rest over the surface yesterday afternoon. Today and tomorrow, the building will be lowered onto the foundation.

In January, Morris House was arduously moved from Hollis Street to Creighton Street. At least 22 boom trucks and dozens of people in hard hats helped move the building to its new location.

The city’s oldest commercial building escaped the wrecking ball in 2009.

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