A road rage incident in Salmon Arm is being investigated as a possible case of assault.
Salmon Arm RCMP said the incident happened Thursday along the Trans-Canada Highway, and involved a car coming to a sudden stop in front of a semi near the Salmon River bridge.
“There was a subsequent verbal engagement between the two drivers and the driver of the car kicked the driver of the semi truck,” Salmon Arm RCMP Staff Sgt. Scott West said in a press release.
“The incident was independently witnessed and caught on the semi truck’s dash camera. Local police are following up in this investigation, which may have stemmed from a possible driving incident just before the assault.”
WATCH BELOW (Aired May 15, 2019): Sgt. Kerry Schmidt on Hwy. 410 road rage incident

Police also noted that motorists should call them when it comes to resolving driving issues, stating “it may result in a ticket being issued for an offence rather than a criminal investigation into the actions of the person who feels that they may have been wronged by another driver.”

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WATCH BELOW (Aired Feb. 21, 2019): Shocking road rage incident in Burnaby caught on camera
