
Family devastated after dogs poisoned

A West Kildonan family is warning the community after two of its dogs suffered from severe poisoning at a local park.

Luka Zigic said her sisters took the two dogs for a walk in the park beside the Seven Oaks Museum on Saturday and within minutes the dogs starting shaking and convulsing.

“It was so scary. We took them to the veterinary hospital, which is only a few blocks away, and by the time we got there Chloe couldn’t even stand anymore,” she said.

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The clinic said the dogs ingested strychnine, a fast acting poison.

The 12-year-old dog didn’t make it through the night and its ten month old Rottweiler, Prince, has not fully recovered.

“The vet told us they don’t know if there will be permanent damage,” said Zigic.

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The family has plastered the community with posters to warn other dog owners of what happened.

Neighbours tell Global News they are disturbed and don’t know why anyone would hurt or target these animals.

Winnipeg Police Services said it has been made aware of the situation but it’s too early to say whether or not the poison was deliberately set.

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