
Spacewalk set for Saturday

Watch video from May 10 above of NASA representatives talking about the status of the ammonia leak on the International Space Station.  

Astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn are preparing for a spacewalk on Saturday.

Although NASA says the six-man crew is not in danger, the men will perform extra-vehicular activity (EVA) designed to identify the exact location of an ammonia leak that was discovered on Friday. The leak, located in one of the radiator lines that cools power systems, has shut down one of the eight solar panels.

This isn’t the first spacewalk needed to repair an ammonia leak. Last year, Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshidu had to perform a spacewalk to determine the source of a leak in the coolant loop on the same truss. It is unknown if this is the same location.

The EVA is planned to last for 6 hours and 15 minutes. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, commander of the ISS, will assist from within the space station.


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