
Problem potholes no more says city of Saskatoon

SASKATOON –  Potholes have been a problem on Saskatoon streets since the snow and ice melting season started to uncover them.

Civic crews temporarily started using cold mix asphalt for patching but now that the weather is warming up they’re on to hot mix.

Crews were busy filling potholes in downtown Tuesday afternoon and they’ll be out in full force for the next month all over the Bridge City.

The city isn’t doing it alone, it’s hired public contractors to patch up the many potholes that keep appearing.

“We’re putting everything we can physically, can reasonably put at it. We’re working overtime. We’ve brought in additional crews. Up to 17 crews working 12 small patchers,” said Mike Gutek, infrastructure services general manager.

“Once it warms up enough another four blade lay crews will do the large surface patching of the clusters of failures, as well we have 2 spray patchers.”

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But it isn’t cheap, the city is combining its remaining funds from last year with this year’s budget. Gutek says they still won’t even be close.

“If we break up our typical spending $1.2 million buys us 6 months. That’s about 200 thousand a month. So in my estimation over the next month we’ll probably be spending about half a million dollars more than our physically allotted budget,” said Gutek.

Gutek says officials will look at the bottom line and manage expenditures in other programs.

Residents are encouraged to report problem potholes, just like they did for snow ruts, by calling 306-975-2476 or online.

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