
Calgary’s Argentine community celebrates new pope

 CALGARY- For the first time in a millennium, a pope from outside Europe has been elected-and that’s reason to celebrate for Calgary’s Argentine community.

On Wednesday, Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina was elected, choosing the name Pope Francis I.

“As an Argentinian of course I am very proud,” says Marisa Bilbao, owner of Coco Karamel bakery, who was ecstatic at the news. “Also because he is the first pope from Latin America so that will be good for Latin America but also for all the world.”

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The president of the Calgary Argentine Association adds that he would like to see better social possibilities and better equality for those in his homeland.

“If he can do something with social issues in Latin America, that would be really good for him,” says Jorge Romberg.

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Catholics around the city say they are praying that the pontiff will be wise and balanced in his decisions.

“One of the things that they may have to do is to take maybe a more modern and realistic approach to some of the great challenges facing the church,” suggests worshipper Robert Liddiard.

The new pope already has the support of those in the Catholic community.

“He is a reformer, he advises priests not to deny baptisms to everybody even if they are not coming to church for a while, so it’s a good sign,” says Father Edmund Varas, from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in downtown Calgary.

Catholics around the world celebrated the appointment of Pope Francis, and as soon as the announcement was made the bells rang out at St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown Calgary.

With files from Gary Bobrovitz

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