If your gas tank is looking a bit low, you might want to hit the pump before Wednesday.
GasBuddy.com analyst Dan McTeague predicts prices will continue to rise as high as $1.50/L.
He said the prices are spiking because the two refineries that supply gas to B.C. are shutting down for maintenance, leaving companies scrambling to stock up on their supply before April.
Meanwhile the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) says prices will go up again when the carbon tax rises again.
The group’s B.C. director says the carbon tax will go up to $35 per tonne April 1.
Kris Sims says that will add an additional $5 to the cost of filling up an average family sedan, and at least $10 for the average SUV or pick-up truck.
“It will impact everything that we do as far as shipping, or heating, or travelling goes.”
Sims says voters should fight back, saying the only time it will end is when the average person says ‘enough.’
With files from Global News reporter Janet Brown