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Scott Thompson: Donald Trump sticks to the script

During his State of the Union address, U.S. President Donald Trump said he expects trading relationships to be 'fair and reciprocal.' – Jan 30, 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump gave his State of the Union address last night in a gruelling 90-minute speech that seemed to have more hooting and hollering than actual speaking.

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The Donald did what many didn’t think he could do: he stuck to the script.

As result, policy aside, he looked very presidential considering it sounded more like a college basketball game pep rally than a political address.

This is what Trump needed, a moment where he talked substance to America instead of confusing and dividing the world on his Twitter feed.

Trump was more optimistic and less combative. He was more policy than personality. Time will tell if the country is convinced this is more than a TV blip.

No mention of Russia, Hillary, or fake news: that could be a first in front of the camera for Trump. It appeared he was trying to be more respectful statesman than reality game show host. The way Trump described it, the past year was a great one for America.

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If you replaced him with another person and put a bag over his head you may have even voted for him.

I’m not sure how great it has been, but if Donald Trump spoke like this every day, it certainly would have been a lot more boring. But I guess he wasn’t elected to be boring, he was elected to be disruptive to the status quo.

That mission, he has accomplished.

Scott Thompson hosts the Scott Thompson Show! on 900 CHML and is a commentator for Global News


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