
Court documents detail allegations against Sen. Patrick Brazeau

OTTAWA – Sen. Patrick Brazeau has formally entered a not guilty plea to charges of assault and sexual assault as court documents shed more light on the nature of the criminal allegations facing the embattled official.

Court documents outline disturbing allegations including physical abuse, verbal insults and sexual violence all of which allegedly started after a fight over how the senator was handling an aboriginal file.

Brazeau, 38, was charged with assault and sexual assault earlier this month after police were called to his home in Gatineau, Que.

Brazeau has formally entered a not guilty plea to all charges of assault and sexual assault. None of the allegations have been proven in court and Brazeau has not been convicted of any crime. His next court appearance is scheduled on March 22.

The court documents, which were filed in French, show the police received a call at 9:04 a.m. on Feb. 7 from a woman who was crying, but hung up the phone after the police answered.

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The police then called back and, getting no response, they went to the address linked to the phone number.

At 9:06 a.m. another 911 was placed. This time the woman, who was still crying, identified Brazeau and alleged he had hit her. When the police arrived, Brazeau was locked in an upstairs room, while the alleged victim was in the living room below.

The documents also include the complainant’s written statement, which alleges the conflict started the night before when she said she did not support Brazeau on his handling of an aboriginal issue.

The woman said the fight continued the next morning and Brazeau asked her to leave the house. She alleges he followed her upstairs to get her belongings, but became aggressive when she asked for time to pack.

The statement alleges Brazeau hit and pushed the woman, tore her bra and a sweater that she was holding. The woman also accused Brazeau of touching her breast in sexually aggressive way, breaking the button of her pants as he pulled them down and telling her to leave the house.

The woman alleged the suspect used vulgar words in French and English, spat in her face, grabbed her throat and punched her arm. The woman said she was pushed down the stairs, breaking the railing as she held onto it.

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The documents say the suspect went upstairs to his room and the woman called the police.

Calls to Brazeau’s office and his lawyer have not yet been returned. Brazeau has not yet responded directly to the allegations, but tweeted last week: “I’m wounded not, but I’m not slain. I’m bruised and faint they say just let me lie and bleed awhile; I’ll not be long this way.”

The Conservatives kicked Brazeau, who was appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2008, out of caucus as soon as he was arrested. He was also forced to take a leave of absence from his Senate duties, but continues to collect his $132,000 annual salary.

With a file from The Canadian Press 

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