
50 per cent of Manitobans opposed to carbon tax: survey

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister introduced his plan for a carbon tax in October. Zahra Premji / Global News

Half of the province is opposed to a carbon tax, according to a survey commissioned by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

The survey released Thursday states 30 per cent of those asked were strongly opposed while nearly 20 per cent were somewhat opposed.

Only 31 per cent of survey respondents support the tax with 19 per cent unsure how they feel.

603 Manitobans were surveyed between Dec. 12-15.

The provincial government has proposed a carbon tax of 25 dollars per tonne. That number falls short of the minimum 50 dollars per tonne the federal government is asking each province to implement by 2022.

READ MORE: Manitoba proposes carbon tax at half of what federal government wants

Saskatchewan and New Brunswick have announced they will not be moving forward with a carbon tax.

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The survey also found that 76 per cent of people who would vote for the Conservatives in an election today oppose a carbon tax.

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