
Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

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Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

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Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

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They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

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Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

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Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens.

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

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But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

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More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

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The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

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“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

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Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

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Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

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Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

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They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

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Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

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Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens.

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

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But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

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More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

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The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

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“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

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Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

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Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

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Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

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They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

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Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

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Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens.

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

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But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

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More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

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The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

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“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

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Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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Children may ‘outgrow’ autism, but more study needed on process involved: study

The label of autism may not be a lifelong one, a new U.S study of 112 children claims, and it may be possible for children diagnosed with the disorder from a young age to develop cognitive and social skills that are on par with their healthy peers.

Experts caution, though, that it’s not clear yet whether children “outgrow” the condition, or whether a certain course of treatment and/or other factors engenders the heretofore unseen recovery.

Asperger’s syndrome to be dropped from mental disorders manual (DSM-5)
The term “Asperger’s syndrome” will not be part of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) when it’s released in May 2013.

While there’s some reaction right off the bat that subsuming the condition under “autism spectrum disorder” in the new manual will set back the cause for awareness among parents, teachers and those living with the socially-isolating symptoms of the condition, there are also those who were not only expecting the reversal in the new manual, but who welcome it.

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Writing in the Guardian in the U.K., Joshua Muggleton notes that the percolation in the popular consciousness that has happened – with Asperger’s popping up in the high-profile extradition trial of Gary McKinnon, for instance, or in documentaries and movies such as Adam, the 2009 film in which Hugh Dancy starred as an “Aspie” who develops a romantic relationship with his downstairs neighbour – has itself helped lead to the growing understanding of the disorder.

The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, says that the breakthroughs that were previously not thought possible were observed in 34 of the children studied, who’d been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) from a young age. These children were indistinguishable from their classroom peers on cognitive and behavioural tests, as well as in classroom settings observed by parents and teachers. On tests, they showed no sign of problems with social interaction, and so were considered to be “optimal outcome” patients by the researchers.

Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens.

Dr. Deborah Fein, of the department of psychology at the University of Connecticut, led the study, which acknowledged at its outset that “autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are generally regarded as lifelong conditions, affecting communication, relationships, adaptive skills, academic and vocational attainment.” In general, treatment that attains “social and communicative function that is within normal limits is not generally considered a realistic goal.”

The study examined 78 individuals with a history of autism spectrum disorder and 34 of their typically developing peers. Participants ranged from eight years old, 21. The groups were matched on age, gender and nonverbal IQ, but were significantly different on verbal IQ.

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Of the 78 children with autism disorders tested, 34 no longer met the criteria for any ASD, and their communication and socialization skills were on par with that of the typically developing peers matched for IQ, sex and age.

Facial recognition, socialization, communication and formal language tests were used on all subjects, and researchers found that, among the group of 34 optimal outcome ASD patients, no differences could be observed, but they also noted that that does not necessarily mean “subtle residual deficits do not exist.”

“The purpose of the study was primarily to demonstrate the existence of a cohort who had clear autism at a young age and no longer demonstrated any significant autistic impairments,” researchers said. “The data clearly support the existence of this group.”

But the study cautions that to “demonstrate normal social functioning,” among the group of autism patients no longer exhibiting symptoms, “peer interaction and quality of friendships would also have to be shown to be typical,” which would require more study, and likely a carefully designed examination of social interactions in a normal, non-testing environment.

Further, researchers said the results suggest the group of 34 optimal outcome patients most likely developed out of a milder autism on the ASD range.

How many children with ASD have the capacity to achieve these outcomes, what intervention can produce the highest rate of optimal outcomes among autism patients, and whether intervention is even always necessary are all questions the researchers said will have to be addressed in future studies.

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They also noted the lack of racial and social diversity among the test subjects in Connecticut, which is more heavily Caucasian than the U.S. in general, with many families having less stresses and more resources than other areas. Parents of the 34 children who achieved optimal outcomes in the study were generally highly involved in the children’s treatment programs and in their social lives, which did not guarantee their recovery, but may have maximized the chance of one, researchers note.

Of course, there’s also the issue of just what exactly constitutes autism, and what level of the disorder requires treatment at all, as observed in the recent debate over the non-inclusion of Asperger’s syndrome in the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), due out in May.

More study is needed, the Connecticut researchers say, on the “biology of remediable autism, the course of improvement, and the necessary and sufficient conditions, including treatment, for such improvement.”


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