Alberta Transportation said Thursday that calls to improve a busy Bragg Creek intersection have not fallen on deaf ears. The province said it’s aware of an online petition lobbying for improvements to the four-way stop at Highway 22 and White Avenue, but that the intersection did not make it onto its three-year construction program.
“As we move forward into future developments, including the Southwest Calgary Ring Road, we hope to be able to reduce some of the traffic volume,” said Adam Johnson, public affairs officer for Alberta Transportation. “But in the meantime, we’re going to look at ways that we can continue to improve safety there and improve the way it is used for any Albertans that are going through the area.
Liz Breakey, councillor for Southwest Rocky View County and Bragg Creek, agreed Thursday that the ring road should help ease traffic in the area but said in the meantime, the high volume of commuters is resulting in accidents.
LISTEN: Online petition calls for improvements to Bragg Creek intersection
“You know, it isn’t just that it backs up and affects the businesses and people traveling through, it’s just become incredibly dangerous,” she said. “Coming through West Bragg Creek you have to go through two lanes of traffic, you have no sight lines.”

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Breakey said the four-way stop is a priority for the county, but said it relies on funding from the province.
“We just haven’t made the list,” she said.
WATCH BELOW: Province to build interchange at Highway 1A and Highway 22 in Cochrane

Johnson said the province conducted a planning study and determined upgrades would be needed in the form of a roundabout or traffic circle, but that there are “no plans right now” to move forward with construction.
Breakey said it’s not just Bragg Creek residents who are impacted. She said Calgarians headed back to the city can be “backed up for an hour” as a result of traffic tie-ups at the intersection. She said the roundabout would be a “fantastic” idea, with the cost pegged at about $2 million.