
Mother accused of starving her 11-month-old by putting him on strict vegan diet

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Mother accused of starving her baby by putting him on strict vegan diet
WATCH ABOVE: A mother in Pennsylvania has been charged after her 11-month-old baby allegedly didn't receive the proper nutrition after being put on a vegan diet. Ross Guidotti has the story – Oct 6, 2016

A mother in Pennsylvania is facing child endangerment charges after a strict vegan diet left her 11-month-old baby severely malnourished.

According to investigators, the baby was at a crucial development age and was not provided the proper food and nutrition he needed in order to develop properly.

The child’s father, Jerry Hawk, claimed his wife was obsessed with her vegan diet and passed it along to their child. However, she was only feeding him fruits and nuts.

When he became concerned about the amount of food their child was receiving, Hawk brought the child to a Child And Youth Services agency.

READ MORE: Feeding your child a vegan diet? Parents could face jail time in Italy

The child was then rushed to hospital.

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Hawk and the mother of the child were separated. The woman was believed to have had custody of the boy.

A doctor who examined the child said the baby was left developmentally delayed due to malnutrition.

Brandy Hawk, the baby’s aunt, said she became concerned with the child’s well-being after the boy would visit her brother.

She went on to say the mother dismissed the concerns Brandy raised by blaming it on allergies.

READ MORE: Italian couple loses custody of child after strict vegan diet lands him in hospital

Brandy claimed the mother had extreme veganism views and as of late said she “was going to live on water and sunlight.”

The child is now in the care of the father and is said to be improving.

“He’s doing great. He’s turned around completely,” said Brandy to KDKA.

Elizabeth Hawk, 33, of Fayette County has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

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