
Charest attempts to turn tables on opponents


MONTREAL – Jean Charest, battered by two years of scandals, used a televised leaders’ debate to fire back at his opponents with ethics allegations against them Sunday.

The embattled Liberal premier repeatedly referred to a six-year-old report that described illegal fundraising schemes in the Parti Quebecois government of 1994 to 2003.

As it so happens, his two main rivals in the election – the PQ’s Pauline Marois and the Coalition party’s Francois Legault – belonged to that government.

Charest urged viewers to go online and view the report. He even levelled an allegation of an improper donation to Marois’ leadership campaign, $2,500 from a teenager.

“There’s only one case that’s been proved, while you’re making all kinds of insinuations (about my government),” Charest said.

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“There’s one proven case of a government that closed its eyes – and that’s the government of which Pauline Marois and Francois Legault were a part… as proven in the Moisan report.”

Charest was referring to a report, released by the province’s elections watchdog in 2006, that described the PQ improperly receiving $96,400 from the Groupaction marketing firm. The company was best known for its role in the federal sponsorship scandal.

The 2006 report also concluded that the company, through its employees, also donated $8,325 to the Liberals. Corporate donations to parties have been illegal in Quebec since the 1970s.

However, in recent years the Liberal party has been battered by scandals involving its donations – including the high frequency of donations from employees engineering firms. There were also reports of Liberal donors receiving lucrative permits for day-care spaces.

The minister once responsible for the day-care program, Tony Tomassi, has quit politics and now faces criminal charges over his use of a credit card supplied by a company that received government business.

“Did you find that normal?” Marois told Charest. She reminded the premier that when the first controversies surfaced involving Tomassi, his Liberal colleagues would rise to cheer him as he was being attacked in the legislature.

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“You were getting up to applaud him.”

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Marois, who is the front-runner to become premier in just over two weeks, used the opening statement of Sunday’s televised leaders’ debate to attack Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

In her opening remarks, the Parti Quebecois leader offered a quick hint of her party’s strategy with the Sept. 4 election approaching: confrontation with the Harper Tories.

Marois did not even make a reference to her own party’s raison d’etre, Quebec independence. There was simply a token reference to the prime minister.

“I will never let Stephen Harper choose for us,” Marois said, in an oblique reminder of spats with the Tories over employment insurance, justice policy and transfer payments.

The PQ has said that if it’s elected it will seek a transfer of powers from Ottawa in areas like employment insurance and immigration policy. If the Tories refuse, they say, they will make the case that Quebec doesn’t belong in Canada.

Marois also attacked the Charest Liberals and their scandals, and suggested hers is the only opposition party that has an experienced-enough team to take charge: “We can end this Liberal regime that has tarnished our image around the world.”

In his own opening statement, Charest immediately confronted the ethics scandals that have rocked his government.

He said there had been myriad “unfounded” allegations against his Liberals. What matters to Quebecers, he said, is economic performance. Charest mentioned the better-than-average job performance in Quebec since the 2008 recession, compared to the rest of the country.

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Charest suggested that his opponents had proven themselves to be fiscally irresponsible this spring, by conceding to the demands of student protesters.

“The next Quebec government will have difficult choices to make,” Charest said. “We will need a responsible government.”

Charest, later in the debate, referred to questionable fundraising practices of his opponents during a muscular exchange on ethics.

The leader of the new Coalition party, Legault, stuck to a simple message of change.

“We will show the door to career politicians,” Legault said, wearing a blue tie and red pocket square that hinted at his desire to attract supporters from all parties.

“It’s enough… Things need to change.”

Quebec’s provincial election campaign entered a new phase Sunday night with the first in a string of televised leadership debates. It was the first of four debates in four consecutive nights, giving voters a chance to better weigh their options in the Sept. 4 election.

Sunday’s debate was the only one that will include all four leaders of the biggest parties – while the remaining ones will feature a series of one-on-ones. Sunday’s four topic segments were: the economy, governance, social policy, the national question and identity.

A successful showing in the debate by Marois could help solidify her lead over the competition.

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Opinion polls have her party solidly ahead of the Charest Liberals and the new Coalition for Quebec’s Future. But a strong showing by Charest or Legault could have a major impact, given the relative tightness of the three-way race.

Francoise David, co-spokesperson for the social-democratic Quebec solidaire, also took part. Unlike the PQ, in her opening statement she did mention her desire to make Quebec a country.

Three one-on-one debates are scheduled for Monday through Wednesday, featuring face-offs between Charest, Legault, and Marois.

In Sunday’s debate, a recurring theme was attacks on the trustworthiness and preparedness to govern of Legault’s new party.

Charest joked that the former PQ cabinet minister couldn’t be trusted on the most fundamental of questions. He referred to Legault’s recent statement that he would vote against Quebec independence in a referendum – a statement that stunned some of his old allies.

“He’s been a sovereigntist for 40 years and he’s changed his mind for four weeks,” Charest quipped.

Legault replied that the premier was mired in “old battles,” playing a tired old tape. Later in the debate, during an exchange with his former cabinet colleague Marois, Legault said he had simply walked the same path as many other Quebecers and had moved away from the national question.

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