Advertisement website to help public, health providers deal with heat waves

HAMILTON – Canadians now have a website aimed at better preparing them to deal with heat waves.

The site, available in both English and French, provides advice for the public and an accredited training program for health-care workers on how to help people manage in blistering hot weather. includes information on young children, seniors and physically active adults – the groups most likely to suffer adverse health effects during a heat wave.

The extreme heat online program is a collaborative effort of the division of e-learning innovation at McMaster University, Health Canada, the Ontario College of Family Physicians and the Clean Air Partnership.

“This program provides important information to help people stay safe in extreme heat,” Dr. Anthony Levinson, director of McMaster’s portal for health information, said in a release Thursday.

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Environment Canada reports that annual temperatures in Canada have warmed over the last 64 years by 1.5 C. Forecasts suggest the number of days a year with a maximum temperature of 30 C will double by 2021-2040.



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