
Sask. camping season is open

Warmer weather is on the way and that means camping season is up and running. 

Provincial Parks are celebrating their first weekend since opening on Thursday, and this is the first year campsites are available online to reserve.  

Richard Francoeur is one camper who used the new online campsite reserve system. “It’s was actually really easy. I just loved it. I think it was great. I did it from my office and it was complete easy to do.” 

Echo Valley is only an hour outside of Regina, making it an easy get away from the city. Sites range from the simple to the more elaborate ones which include electricity and water. 

Camping isn’t the only activity available. Campers can also take bike rides, stroll along hiking trails and even try and a little fishing. Some campers set up trailer for the entire season and return from time to time throughout the summer.  

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For more information visit the Government of Saskatchewan website. 

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