
Trudeau to formally become 23rd prime minister Wednesday

Prime minister designate Justin Trudeau walks to a news conference from Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Oct. 20, 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

OTTAWA – The Governor General’s office has made it official: David Johnston will preside over the swearing in of the new Trudeau government next Wednesday morning.

The ceremony will see Justin Trudeau become Canada’s 23rd prime minister, replacing Stephen Harper after the Liberals defeated the Conservatives in the Oct. 19 election.

Trudeau and what is expected to be a 25-member cabinet will be sworn in at Rideau Hall, with members of the public invited to watch Trudeau and other members of Parliament arrive for the event.

READ MORE: Harper to resign as prime minister next week, just before Trudeau takes office

The Liberal leader announced last week during his first news conference as prime minister-designate that he would take office Nov. 4.

The swearing-in ceremony, beginning at 10:30 a.m. ET, will be followed by an official photo session with the Governor General, Trudeau and the new government ministers.

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Whomever becomes industry minister at the ceremony will also take on responsibility as the country’s registrar general, and be presented by the Governor General with the Great Seal of Canada.

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