
So-called ‘Sleepwatcher’ will not be living in Halifax after conditional release

File / Global News

HALIFAX – The so-called ‘Sleepwatcher’ will not be living in Halifax after his conditional release, according to the Halifax Regional Police.

Barry Edward Sinclair, 52, was sentenced to five years in prison in 2013 for breaking into several apartments where young women lived and watching them as they slept.

He was deemed a high risk to re-offend in a sexual manner, according to parole documents obtained by Global News.

READ MORE: ‘Sleepwatcher’ released from prison

“If he was coming to our jurisdiction, we would be notified so we would know to monitor him [to ensure he was following conditions],” said Halifax Regional Police spokeswoman Theresa Rath on Thursday.
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“We have not been given that notification.”

A number of conditions were imposed on Sinclair as part of his release. He must reside at a community correctional centre or a community residential facility.

He must also follow a treatment plan in the area of sexual deviancy as arranged by a parole supervisor and must not consume alcohol or drugs.

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