
Calgary lawyer launches class action lawsuit against travel insurance companies

A Calgary senior is taking on the big insurance companies over travel coverage.

Marton Murphy spends the winter in Phoenix, and last year he was hospitalized with a serious stomach virus.

He says Chartis Insurance won’t pay the $30,000 bill because he didn’t tell them about an aneurysm he’s had for 20 years.

He took his case to Calgary lawyer Clint Docken, who says he’s heard from other people with similar stories.

He’s filed a class action suit against Chartis Insurance and five other travel insurance companies for denied benefits.

Docken says the aneurysm has nothing to do with the reason Murphy was in hospital, and wants to hear from other people with similar stories.

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The insurance company isn’t commenting on the case, but an expert in travel coverage says most claims in Canada are paid out, and this is rare.

Robin Ingle says the industry is regulated and it’s a misunderstanding to believe the insurers are purposely out there to do a dirty deed to the consumer.

He says it’s often a misunderstanding or a misstatement of facts.

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