
Story of Exodus from Egypt retold, other rituals observed at Passover seder

Here are some facts about Passover:

– Passover lasts seven days and includes only one seder in Israel. Outside Israel it lasts eight days and seders are held each of the first two nights.

– Passover begins on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan.

– During the seder, there is a specific set of tasks that must be completed and information that must be covered in a specific order. To correctly follow the process, the text of the Passover seder called the Haggadah is used.

– Part of the process involves a retelling of the story of the Exodus from Egypt and the first Passover. This begins with the youngest person asking “the four questions,” a set of questions about the proceedings designed to encourage participation in the seder.

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– The 10 plagues that were visited upon Egypt leading to the release of the Israelites from slavery are acknowledged during the seder.

– A seder usually lasts at least two hours.


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