Summary: The home riding of NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair, he has represented Outremont since 2007. Until 2011, it was the only NDP riding in Quebec.
Boundaries: The University of Montreal is at the centre of this riding, which borders along Parc du Mont-Royal. The riding sees a minor boundary change for 2015, adding a few streets east of Rue Saint-Urbain.
Last Election: Mulcair easily won in 2011, beating former Liberal cabinet minister Martin Cauchon by 12,712 votes.
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History: This riding was considered a Liberal stronghold prior to Mulcair’s win in a 2007 by-election. The last conservative elected here was PC Jean-Pierre Hogue, who lasted just one term from 1988-1993.
Demographics: With a median age of 34.3 in the last census, it’s the youngest riding in Quebec. The median income of $22,551 (as of the 2011 National Household Survey) is the fourth lowest in the province.
Conservative: Rodolphe Husny
NDP: Thomas Mulcair, Party leader and MP since 2007
Liberal: Rachel Bendayan, lawyer
Bloc Québécois: Roger Galland Barou
Green: Amara Diallo
Communist: Adrien Welsh
Libertarian: Franics Pouliot