Summary: Liberal MP Emmanuel Dubourg was elected in this Liberal stronghold in a 2013 by-election to replace Denis Coderre. He is seeking re-election.
Boundaries: This riding now includes all of the Ahunstic-Cartierville borough that lies northwest of Papineau Avenue/Highway, plus the borough of Montreal-Nord.
Last Election: In the 2013 by-election, Liberal Dubourg won with 48.1 per cent of the vote. The NDP candidate, Stéphane Moraille, finished second with 31.4 per cent.

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History: Liberal MP Denis Coderre dominated this riding from his election in 1997, until he stepped down to run for the Montreal mayor’s chair in 2013. The Bloc Québécois won this seat just once, in the party’s first election in 1993. The last conservative to win here was PC Marie Gibeau in 1988.
Conservative: Jason Potasso-Justino
NDP: Dolmine Laguerre, paralegal for provincial Justice Department
Liberal: Emmanuel Dubourg, MP since 2013
Bloc Québécois: Gilles Léveillé, retired, former journalist
Green: Maxime Charron
Marxist-Leninist: Claude Brunelle
Independent: Julie Demers
Strength in Democracy: Jean-Marie Ndzana