Summary: This is an updated version of the Chambly-Borduas riding, where NDP MP Matthew Dubé was elected in the orange wave of 2011. He will once again face the man he ousted to take the riding, the Bloc Québécois’ Yves Lessard.
Boundaries: This riding is south of Montreal in the Montéregie region. It is slightly smaller than Chambly-Borduas. It includes Marieville, Beloeil, Carignan, Chambly, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, McMasterville and Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
Last Election: In 2011, the NDP’s Dubé earned 42.7 per cent of the vote, to defeat the BQ’s Lessard, who earned 27.7 per cent.

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History: Lessard won this seat in 2004, 2006 and 2008. It was a BQ seat from 1993 until 2011. The last conservative win here was the PC party in 1988. The Liberals have not won here since 1980.
Demographics: The median income was $35,198 in the National Household Survey, sixth highest in the province.
Conservative: Claude Chalhoub
NDP: Matthew Dubé, MP since 2011
Liberal: Karine Desjardins, VP, Sales and Marketing for an environmental finance company
Bloc Québécois: Yves Lessard, former MP (2004-2011)
Green: Fodé Kerfalla Yansané, provincial civil servant
Libertarian: Michael Maher