Summary: Longtime NDP MP Pat Martin goes for his seventh term in Winnipeg Centre, home to the city’s downtown core.
Boundaries: Approximately bordered by the Assiniboine, the Red River, St. James Industrial Area and the CP Rail Line.
Last Election: Martin defeated Conservative candidate Bev Pitura by 26 per cent. He received 53.7 per cent of the vote, his highest percentage ever.

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History: The riding was created prior to the 1997 election, which was Martin’s first victory. Prior to that, most of the riding was part of Winnipeg North Centre, home of CCF founder J.S. Woodsworth from 1921 to 1942, and longtime CCF/NDP stalwart Stanley Knowles from 1942 to 1958 and 1962 to 1984.
Demographics: A working-class riding, 30.9 per cent of people lived in households below the Low Income Measure in 2011, the highest number in Manitoba and fifth highest in Canada.
Conservative: Allie Szarkiewicz, retired teacher
NDP: Pat Martin, MP since 1997
Liberal: Robert-Falcon Ouellette, 2014 mayoral candidate
Green: Don Woodstock, Winnipeg Transit bus operator and past municipal candidate for council
Christian Heritage: Scott Miller
Communists: Darrell Rankin