
Police warn of door-to-door salesman posing as ENMAX employee

Enmax. Tom Reynolds/Global News

CALGARY – Police are warning Calgarians about a man who appears to be going door-to-door posing as an ENMAX employee.

Officers were first alerted to the scam earlier this month by a woman living in the community of Fairview.

She told police a man dressed in what appeared to be an ENMAX uniform knocked on her door on July 15 around noon. The man told her she had a late bill and had to pay him in cash or else he would disconnect her electricity. He then pulled out a wrench and asked the victim where her meter was located.

Investigators say the victim was “extremely concerned” by the threat of having her power shut off, as a child in her home requires medical care provided by an electric device.

The victim was told she would have to pay $837.56, but had only $600 in cash on her at the time. The man took the cash and said he would return in two weeks for the remainder of the money.

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The woman discovered it was a scam only after calling ENMAX to arrange to pay the remaining balance.

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The suspect is described as between 30 and 40-years-old, approximately 6’ tall with short reddish hair and a skinny build with broad shoulders. He was dressed in red coveralls with a blue or black ball cap and had what appeared to be an ENMAX tag.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police or call Crime Stoppers.

Legitimate reasons for ENMAX to visit your house

From time to time, people may see legitimate ENMAX workers – such as meter readers or repair crews – throughout Calgary. However it is important to note that ENMAX does not sell product door-to-door and under no circumstances ever asks for on-the-spot payment at someone’s home or business.

Citizens can protect themselves using the following practices:

  • Do not feel pressure to respond to a request until they have a chance to verify the story.
  • Never transfer money, give cash or cheques, or give out credit card or other financial information, until you can verify the person’s identity and the story, and determine whether it is legitimate.  Never provide cash to someone showing up in person at your door.
  • Visit or look at your bill ENMAX advises that they will never solicit funds door to door.
  • ENMAX customers are encouraged to log into their ENMAX account online at, or to call 310-2010 toll free in Alberta to check their account status.
  • If you feel pressured by someone at your door who will not leave, close the door and call the police at the non-emergency line.  If you feel threatened call 911 for emergency assistance.
  • Assist police by obtaining as many details as you can with a description and any vehicle information that you can provide.

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