
Thief steals $20,000 worth of cell phones from Regina kiosk

This man made off with $20,000 worth of cell phones on Wednesday.
This man made off with $20,000 worth of cell phones on Wednesday. Courtesy: Kristen Anderson

REGINA – A very daring thief made off with $20,000 worth of cell phones, but his face was caught on camera.

He broke into a Bell kiosk in the Victoria Square mall at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday and stole 23 phones.

A sales consultant has now posted the security video on her Facebook page and is hoping for people to share.

“Basically we’re just looking for anyone who has something solid we can give the police,” said Kristen Anderson. “We’re just hoping for our inventory back.”

So far they’ve had a couple tips, but no one who knows the thief’s first and last name.

Hey facebookers, if anyone knows this guy please let us know! He was caught on camera around 6:30AM this morning in the Vic Square. Feel free to share this, as we need to catch him as soon as possible as he stole around 20 grand worth of devices.Please help! If you know him, or anyone who knows him please contact me at 3065709631 or contact the police and let them know.

Posted by Kristen Anderson on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

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