An environmental group is hoping to acquire one of the largest intact grassland properties in the South Okanagan.
The property at Twin Lakes is a 2,000 acre area, which is predominantly grasslands, southwest of Penticton between Keremeos and Kaleden.
The Nature Trust of B.C. needs $100,000 to reach the property’s purchase price of $3.3 million.
Donations can be made out to:
The Nature Trust of BC
260 – 1000 Roosevelt Crescent
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3R4

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Donations can also be made online at
What are grasslands?
According to the Grasslands Conservation Council of British Columbia, grasslands are generally found in dry and hot climates and contain perennial grasses. Since there is limited access to water in the soil, grassland plants normally finish growing by July then lose their green colour. By the early fall, grasslands turn a deep gold colour. Grasslands are often found in valley or plateau landscapes.
What species live there?
The Grasslands Conservation Council of B.C. says scorpions, pallid bats and robber flies are commonly found in grasslands. Veerys, garter snakes and California Bighorn Sheep also enjoy life in grasslands.
Why are they important?
Grasslands represent 1% of the ecosystems in the province. In recent years, the grasslands have been converted into orchards, vineyards and golf courses. The Grasslands Conservation Council of B.C. says the ecosystem is disappearing at an alarming rate.
For more information on grasslands, check out this website: