August 7, 2009 – Then Bishop Raymond Lahey issues a historic apology and $15 million settlement to victims of sexual abuse, committed by a priest in the Antigonish Diocese during the 50s and 60s.
September 15, 2009 – Bishop Raymond Lahey, returning from a trip to London, was arrested for possessing child pornography including 588 images, 33 videos and several graphic stories of boys engaging in sexual acts.
Border officials flagged Lahey to be searched after noticing stamps in his passport for Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand – all destinations for sexual predators and producers of child porn.
September 30, 2009 – The former Bishop for the Antigonish Diocese, in Nova Scotia, charged with importing and possessing child pornography. He turned himself the next day. Police released him on bail. He has stayed at the Diocesan Centre in Ottawa since that time.
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December 11, 2009 – The Diocese of Antigonish moves ahead with a $15 million payout to victims of sexual abuse in the 1950s and 60s. Many praised Bishop Lahey for the historic apology he made, on behalf of the diocese, for the abuse in August 2009.
December 3, 2010 – Lawyer’s representing Lahey appear in court to learn the trial is set for May 4, 2011
May 4, 2011 – Raymond Lahey stands up in court with his lawyer, Michael Edelson, before his trial begins to announce that he pleads guilty. Later, as an expression of remorse and guilt, he requested his bail be revoked and that he begin serving his time immediately, even though he has yet to be sentenced.
May 5, 2011 – The man who stepped into to replace Raymond Lahey as Bishop of the Diocese of Antigonish speaks out about the effect the child porn scandal has had on the church and its parishioners. “Today I would like to express my solidarity with those who are hurting and I promise that I will continue to work toward healing,” Bishop Brian Dunn said at a news conference.
August 4, 2011 – Raymond Lahey sat blank-faced as a detective described the material. The police officer says the images ranged from soft-core nude shots of young teen boys to far more grisly photos of torture.
December 19, 2011 – As the sentencing hearing continues, Dr. John Bradford, a forensic psychiatrist, says the 71-year-old has a homosexual interest in adolescent males and young men, but is not a pedophile. He says Lahey did not present a risk of committing a “hands-on” offence. But, Bradford points out there is no way to be certain he wouldn’t commit a child porn offence in the future.
December 20, 2011 – Lahey admits to having an internet porn addiction and that he wanted to be caught. In a statement, Lahey says he apologized to those he had hurt, the church and his family. He also encouraged “others” to seek help. Sentencing for Lahey’s one count of importing child pornography is set for Jan. 4, 2012.
The Crown asks for a sentence of 18 to 22 months in jail. Lahey’s defence ask for a one-year sentence, with one year probation and asked the court for a two-for-one credit for the time Lahey served since pleading guilty in May.
January 4, 2011 – Raymond Lahey is sentenced to 15 months in jail, but Ontario Court Justice Kent Kirkland granted the disgraced Roman Catholic bishop double credit for time served. Lahey asked for his bail to be revoked in May 2011, when he pleaded guilty to importing child pornography. The credit means the 71-year-old is free on probation.