EDMONTON – ‘Mike’, an Edmonton area EMT featured in Global News’ Code Red series, writes a second blog in response to AHS’ reaction to the reports:
Subject: So all is right Mr. Sandbeck?
Greetings residents of Alberta,
You may have heard that AHS published a much more optimistic blog about the state of affairs concerning EMS in Alberta, basically implying we are liars.
Then, in his address, health minister Mandel admitted that there needs to be more resources on the streets, a better way of handling non-emergent patients and fixing of wait times by AHS. Wait! What?!?
Yes! Mr. Mandel says we are deficient in a great many things and need to change. I guess all the paramedics and EMTs that have come forward multiple times were, and are in fact, RIGHT! I’m not saying that getting more cars and practitioners is going to fix this unbelievably broken system but it’s a start. We front-line healthcare workers have many ideas how to fix the system, if only they were listening as intently as they say they have been.
I wrote to you previously explaining a terrible scenario and the government’s stance on this is that the system is working … working how? How is waiting in your hour of need take an ACTUAL hour to get to you “working?” …”Seconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like hours”…
So Mr. Sandbeck quotes statistics about how they’ve done a great job thus far but let’s look into their “stats.” Sandbeck says, out of 2,500 people polled, 96 per cent of polled patients are happy with service including the response times at 94 per cent. Well… He also stated EMS responded to approximately 400,000 calls last year so that means AHS only polled for 0.6 per cent of the responses… How about ask for the number of surveys sent out to the actual number returned? I’d be interested in those stats Mr. Sandbeck… Pretty hard to poll the patients that died waiting for an ambulance isn’t it? How about the number of calls where paramedics and EMTs have so profusely apologized for the extensive response times, followed by the care they deliver, that patients and patients’ families don’t want to complain? No stats on that…
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Multiple comments on the Global News web page – not by paramedics or EMTs – but by citizens of Alberta seem to discredit Mr. Sandbeck’s claims that all is right in this world.
My heart goes out to those people that suffered needlessly and came forward to share their pain.
WE ARE ALL SORRY we couldn’t be there for you sooner and now you know why.
This system appears to be run by politicians instead of men and women familiar with the industry. Also Mr. Sandbeck has repeatedly said that patients haven’t suffered by lengthened response times… How do you people that commented on Global’s page feel about that comment now?
The “response times” are being met according to Sandbeck and AHS, but it doesn’t take into account WHERE they’re responding FROM to where they’re responding to. AHS has effectively scrapped the landmarks for RESPONSE TO SCENE times since their takeover of the system so it’s hard to say what exactly THOSE stats are. Apparently they’re “under review.”
Come on Mr. Sandbeck, let’s talk stats, you like them, you refer to them often. They are your “shield and your staff” so to speak, while you blind the public with your shield, then blast your subordinates with your staff. Oh yes, we get “it”…. With subtle undertones, predatory management, veiled threats or flat out gag orders restricting us from divulging information of just this sort to the media or the public under threat of termination. Don’t want to tarnish that shiny shield of theirs would they? How do the people of Alberta feel about that?
They listed numerous advances that they’ve implemented to improve the heath care system, but I must have been off that Tuesday and never saw them.
The contracting of a private service to facilitate non-emergent transfers as a possible solution said by Minister Mandel……There is already a transfer service in both Calgary and Edmonton that is so grossly underutilized already. Why would we as taxpayers fund another contractor to do a job we’re already paying for?
Mr. Mandel, as you admitted, more resources and better resource deployment IS NEEDED. A little late for that admission but I say thank you anyway.
Thank you for vindicating us. Now is the time for action.
We’re advocating for you, the people of Alberta. We’re fighting for the rights of prompt care for YOU, in the wrecked car, broken and bleeding…. for YOUR GRANDMOTHER, barely able to speak to 911 operators as she gasps for breath… For YOUR WIFE, terrified soon-to-be new mother as her water breaks… and for YOU, the proud father watching his son play pee-wee hockey when that crushing chest pain sets in. Unfortunately, while you or your family members are suffering, I’m currently stuck in the hospital or on a non-emergent transfer or for an inordinate wait time after a call and unable to help no matter how much I want to. We can’t be there because of the “system that is working” is in play.
Answer me this Premier Prentice, Health Minister Mandel, and chief paramedic Mr. Sandbeck: who and what are you fighting for?
We’re fighting for the people of Alberta.
Again one frustrated EMT. But a little better after getting a win!