
The Food Network’s Great Canadian Cookbook comes to Winnipeg

WINNIPEG – One of the world’s largest food shows has stopped in Winnipeg on a cross-Canada tour.

The Food Network is currently producing the Great Canadian Cookbook, a multi-platform project aimed at documenting and celebrating local cuisine.

“In Winnipeg alone through the Filipino community, there’s unbelievable food,” said Noah Cappe, host of the Great Canadian Cookbook. “Food that wouldn’t necessarily be the first thing you think of when you think of Canadian food.”

The Food Network program is part of a four-part television series highlighting hidden gems in Canadian communities, set to launch later this year along with a website encouraging people to share their homemade recipes.

“Sitting down and having a bannock taco with someone telling you how their family has been making this by hand and eating this food, I mean it puts into perspective that there are a lot of great stories,” said Cappe.

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Like Manitoba-based Cornell Creme, which produces hand-made ice cream using local ingredients.

“People want to know where their food is coming from,” said Lisa Dyck, owner of Cornell Creme. “We can promote agriculture because I believe it has been the backbone to our Manitoba communities.”

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