
WINNIPEG ELECTION: Advance polls open for mayor, council and trustee

WINNIPEG — Winnipeggers can now cast their ballot for the next mayor, council and school board trustees.

Advancing voting locations opened up Monday across Winnipeg.

Booths have been set up in shopping malls, community centres and universities.

You can also vote at city hall every day except Sundays until Oct. 17. Election day is Oct. 22.

To find out where you can vote click here.

Voter turnout in the 2010 civic election was only 47.1 per cent.

“For some people, they aren’t engaged,” said Curtis Brown, with Probe Research. “Others are just cynical about politics and the political process and can’t be bothered.”

City officials are hoping a record number of candidates running for mayor, council and school trustee will draw more voters.

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“That does drive people to the polls,” said Marc Lemoine, Winnipeg’s senior election official. He believes the prospect of having a new mayor should also bring more people to the polls.

Lemoine said the city is going online to get eligible voters engaged.

“We are using technology as best we can,” Lemoine said. “We have a Facebook page, a Twitter page, and this year we developed an app for the first time that you can download on your smartphone so you can follow the candidates.”

Even with all the resources, Krista Braun admits she finds the election and city hall confusing.

“I know a couple people running but I don’t know much about it,” said Braun, who acknowledges she doesn’t know who is running in her ward.

Those still trying to decide how to vote can listen to mayoral candidates’ views on infrastructure – identified in multiple polls as Winnipeggers’ chief concern heading into the election – at a forum Monday evening.

CAA Manitoba and the Association of Manitoba Municipalities are hosting the event at 6 p.m. at the Clarion Hotel at 1145 Portage Ave.

The forum will focus on “mayoral candidates’ plans for our crumbling roads,” a news release from CAA Manitoba said.

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The public is invited to attend, but people must RSVP to by 5 p.m. in order to secure entrance. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

READ MORE: Winnipeg Election 2014

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