
Tinder Craze

First there was MySpace, then Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Now there is a new craze in town, Tinder.

The dating app, which was launch two years ago, connects people based on their age, pictures and within no more than a 160 kilometer radius.

Rod Leland, social media specialist with Lethbridge College, said the spike in the popularity of Tinder is not unexpected. “Someone looks at someone who they feel is attractive across the bar and goes to speak to them that’s the non Tinder way of the version to do it,” he explained.

“Now there is an app that can help with that process. I think we’re seeing app’s created to take care of a lot of things we used to do offline and Tinder is not an exemption to that.”


Tinder manages over ten million matches every day, and the numbers continues to grow. However, is it just another fad? Will the app’s quick spike in popularity mean it will fade out just as fast?

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“Will an app or concept like Tinder be successful, maybe, maybe not. The question is what do the users want,” said Leland.

Love it or hate it, Tinder is here for the time being, so happy swiping!

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