
Vandals spray-paint offensive slurs on Middle Sackville school

HALIFAX – The RCMP is investigating after racial slurs and anti-Semitic symbols were spray-painted on a Middle Sackville elementary school and three of its portable classrooms overnight Thursday.

It wasn’t the return to class that 500 students and staff at Harry R. Hamilton Elementary School expected, and parents say it came as a shock.

“They don’t need to see that, they’re too young, and having to explain that kind of thing at eight o’clock in the morning isn’t great,” said Tracey White, whose 7-year-old son attends the school.

Steve Craig, the councillor for Lower Sackville, first found out about the graffiti on Twitter.

“The first thing that went through my mind was ‘the buggers,'” he said. “I hate that type of thing. It’s one of those pet peeves where I have no tolerance for that type of behaviour.”

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The Halifax Regional School Board said teachers did speak to the students about the offensive messages, and a note was sent home to advise parents of the situation.

“It’s disheartening to see it on any public building, because as a society we like to think that all Nova Scotians are warm and welcoming,” said Halifax Regional School Board spokesperson Doug Hadley.

“To suggest that it’s OK or that it might be funny to do this on a school is just disgusting.”

The RCMP says it is investigating and not ruling out that charges could be laid.

“It’s extremely disturbing to us, it’s extremely disturbing to the public at large and is very, very disturbing to the groups that are seemingly attacked by these racial slurs and symbols,” says Halifax RCMP Cpl. Greg Church.

Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying those responsible for the crime.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said Steve Craig was the councillor for Middle Sackville. It has been updated to reflect that he is the councillor for Lower Sackville.

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