
OPP warn drivers to obey road rules for long weekend

TORONTO – Ontario Provincial Police are warning motorists to drive safely and responsibly this Victoria Day long weekend.

Officers will be on the road focusing on “The Big 4” offences: impaired driving, seat belts, distracted driving and aggressive driving.

Police are reminding drivers to plan ahead and take plenty of time to get to your destination safely.

READ MORE: Boating safety tips and fines you should know

The number of deaths linked to off-road vehicles, such as ATVs, has hit a four year high and has doubled in just two years.

20 people died in 2013 compared to only 12 in 2012. There were 14 deaths in 2011 and 17 deaths 2010.

Motorcycle crashes are on the rise too with 28 recorded deaths in 2013 and only 26 the year before.

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